Rabu 24 Apr 2013 19:02 WIB

Analyst welcomes govt's decision to reopen wood export

Rep: Meiliani Fauziah/Mutia Ramadhani/ Red: Yeyen Rostiyani
Teakwood forest (illustration)
Foto: Antara/Oky Lukmansyah
Teakwood forest (illustration)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -  Economic Commission at National Forestry Council supports government's plan to reopen wood export, as wood price is lower in domestic market than in regional and international market. Meranti wood (Shorepa spp) for example, its international price is around 300 USD per cubic meter while in domestic market only 120 USD per cubic meter. 

"The domestic price is only 40 percent compared to international price," Head of Economic Commission at National Forestry Council, David, said on Wednesday. 

According to the commission, reopening the export opportunity also means increasing the income of local wood entrepreneurs. Yet the David warned that the government must selectively pick companies obtaining legal setificate for their products so the export target would be in line with reforestation program.    

The commission believes that government can use Timber Legality Verification System (SVLK) as an approporiate standard to monitor and control the export of wooden products. Currently the government is still negotiating European Union and ask them not to buy smuggled wood from Indonesia.  

David admitted that the government planned to facilitate around 90 small medium enterprises to obtain SVLK sertificate. But, he warned that there were thousands other of SMEs in Indonsia. He was pessimistic that the government would apply the SVLK as the deadline was 2014. 

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