Kamis 24 Oct 2013 15:37 WIB

Danareksa to manage minority assets of state owned companies

Rep: Mutia Ramadhani/Antara/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Foto: Republika/Wihdan

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - Government plans to merge minority assets of nine state owned companies to increase its value. It will be managed by PT Danareksa Investment, state-owned investment bank in 2014. 

"The transfer process and administration will be completed this week," Minister of State Owned Enterprises, Dahlan Iskan said on Thursday.

Value of assets that will be transferred to totaled 11 trillion IDR. It has been approved by Ministry of Finance. The nine companies are PT Freeport Indonesia (9.36 percent), PT Sucofindo (10 percent) and PT ASEAN Bintulu Fertilizer (13 percent). Next, PT Indosat (14,29 percent), PT Surabaya Industrial Estate (50 percent), PT Jakarta Industrial Estate Pulogadung (50 percent), PT Rekayasa Industri (4,97 percent) and PT Prasadha Pamunah Limbah Industri (5 percent).

Government saw, the management for company's asset was not fully supervised. The nine companies are just waiting for dividend payments every year with less effort to optimize it. If Danareksa manages all assets, it will be more focused. Level of leverage of each company can be higher.

Former President Director of PLN said that to manage the assets, government would make legal protection in form of ministry regulation.

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