Rabu 06 Nov 2013 13:06 WIB

Telkom gains net profit of 15.7 trillion IDR

Rep: Mutia Ramadhani/Antara/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Foto: Telkom Indonesia

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - State-owned telecommunication operator PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia (Telkom) gained net profit of 15.725 trillion IDR in third quarter of 2013. It increased 11.28 percent compared to same period last year worth 14.130 trillion IDR. 

"In middle of unfriendly economic situation, our financial performance can grow double digits," President Director of Telkom, Arief Yahya said recently. 

Yahya explained that Telkom is the only one operator in national telecommunication industry that was able to grow significantly. In third quarter of 2013, another operator, such as PT XL Axiata recorded profit of 951.9 billion IDR, decreased 58 percent compared to last year, while PT Indosat suffered losses worth 1.76 trillion IDR. 

Telkomsel, a subsidiary of Telkomsel was able to record profit of 13.1 trillion IDR, increased 11.9 percent compared to 11.7 trillion last year. Telkomsel revenue also rises 10.4 percent, from 39.85 trillion IDR to 43.9 trillion IDR. Data services, internet and information technology services contributed 16.15 percent or 3.24 trillion IDR to Telkomsel revenue, while cellular contributes one trillion IDR or 4.27 percent of total revenue. 

"We managed to recover performance of Telkomsel since last year. Now, Telkomsel can record revenue of 5.6 trillion IDR per month," Yahya added. 

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