Kamis 06 Feb 2014 16:35 WIB

Copper contributes to trade surplus in December 2013

Rep: Satya Festiani/Mutia Ramadhani/ Red: Yeyen Rostiyani
Copper (illustration)
Foto: Reuters
Copper (illustration)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - Copper helped trade surplus in December 2013 and contributed 1.5 billion USD. Copper exports in the end of 2013 reached 697 million USD or increased 65.7 percent year on year (yoy).

Group Head of Balance of Payments at Statistic Department of Bank Indonesia (BI), Endi Dwi Tjahyono said that  total copper exports in 2013 reached 4.8 billion USD. 

"Copper helped export in December 2013. Many companies seek tax dodge," Tjahyono said recently.

Implementation of Mining Law was the reason behind the increasing export of cooper last year. On the other hand, other commodity exports like coal, palm oil and rubber slowed down in same period. Coal exports reached 2.1 billion USD, decreased 7.6 percent yoy. Palm oil export recorded 1.3 million USD, slowed 0,1 percent yoy, while rubber export worth 526 million USD or declined 2.5 percent yoy.

Non-oil trade balance still recorded 2.4 billion of surplus in 2013. Non-oil export booked 13.7 billion USD or increased 8.6 pecent yoy, while the import recorded at 11.3 billion USD or rose 4.4 percent yoy. Overall, non-oil trade balance recorded 5.1 billion USD of surplus in fourth quarter 2013 or 8.4 billion USD in 2013. 

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