Jumat 21 Mar 2014 19:13 WIB

Power plant maintenance in Belawan completed

Rep: Mutia Ramadhani/Antara/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Pelabuhan Belawan, Medan
Pelabuhan Belawan, Medan

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, MEDAN - Electricity crisis in North Sumatra will soon come to an end following the completion of power plant maintenance of gas turbines 22 in Belawan sector. President Director of PLN, Nur Pamudji said that the completion would increase the supply of electric power in the province. The electric power will rise up to 140 mega watt (MW), while the activity of gas turbin will add energy of 60 MW.

"Gas turbin 22 at Belawan sector is ready to commission," Pamudji said on Thursday.

Gas turbin 21 at Belawan sector has also commissioned since january 2014 after passing a life time extension (LTE). Beside the two gas turbin, North Sumatra electricity crisis is getting better by supply of 70 MW electrical system of Nagan Raya II since March 18. Power plant capacity, which is located in Aceh will be increased to 110 MW.

For long term program, PLN as state owned electricity company hopes that synchronization of Pangkalan Susu power plant in Langkat is capable to produce energy with capacity of 2x220 MW immediately. Deputy Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources, Susilo Siswoutomo explained the importance of power certainty in North Sumatra would facilitate development in the area.

"Indonesia must end the electricity crisis. We can add 10 thousand MW of electricity per year, but we cannot reach it for now," he said.

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