Selasa 29 Apr 2014 14:42 WIB

BRI launches a satellite to support financial inclusion

BRI President Director Sofyan Basir (center) poses with Senior Vice President Space Systems/Loral,LLC David Bernstein (left) and Senior Vice President Arianespace Jacques Bretonin Jakarta on Monday, April 28, 2014.
Foto: Republika/Prayogi
BRI President Director Sofyan Basir (center) poses with Senior Vice President Space Systems/Loral,LLC David Bernstein (left) and Senior Vice President Arianespace Jacques Bretonin Jakarta on Monday, April 28, 2014.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono inagurated a satellite owned by state owned Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BRI) on Monday. The satellite will go into orbit in 2016.

BRI is working with Space Systems/Loral, LLC and Arianespace, US and France companies. It aims to support the integration of information technology (IT) and office network.

BRI has assigned Space Systems/Loral (SSL) from the United States and Arianespace of France to develop and launch the satellite for banking purposes.

"The needs of communication via satellite is required in order to develop business," the BRI President Director, Sofyan Basir, stated on Monday.

Basir delivered the speech after signing the cooperation with the Senior Vice President of Space Systems/Loral, David Bernstein and Senior Vice President Arianespace Jacques Bretonand as witnessed by President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono.

The satellite development is aimed to support the banking service range for Indonesians. Currently, the BRI uses 23 transponders, which is being served by nine network providers to support the communication and information technology for more than 9 thousand branches and e-channel network. Basir pointed out that the satellite development was in accordance with the Presidents instructions related to access expansion and financial inclusion for Indonesian people.

"We are also developing branch network and e-channels, which will be supported through this satellite communication," Basir explained.

The bank has prepared a fund of 250 million USD to develop the satellite after obtaining the satellite orbit permit in 150.5 East Longitude from the Information and Communication Ministry. The president director believes that the satellite will support the banking service performances and give a more efficient facility to rent to other communication providers. The bank will call the satellite with BRIsat that will have 45 transponders covering areas in Indonesia, ASEAN, North east of Asia, some Pacific area and West Australia.

"Indonesia has 17 thousand islands, and more than 7 thousand sub-districts as well as 80 thousand villages which require satellite communication technology," Basir explained.

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