Kamis 11 Dec 2014 19:00 WIB

Minister: Ambon most potential fishery area

 Minister of Maritime and Fishery Affairs Susi Pudjiastuti walks in bare foot during her visitin Ambon, Maluku, on Thursday.
Foto: Antara/Jimmy Ayal
Minister of Maritime and Fishery Affairs Susi Pudjiastuti walks in bare foot during her visitin Ambon, Maluku, on Thursday.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, MALUKU -- Minister of Maritime and Fishery Affairs Susi Pudjiastuti has said no other area in Indonesia has a greater potential and better fishery zone than Maluku province.

"Ambon is beautiful and peaceful and no other region has a potential fishing zone like this," she stated here on Thursday.

Minister Pudjiastuti made the statement at the inauguration of a fisheries court at Ambon, Sorong and Manokwari District Court, by Supreme Court chief justice Ali Hatta. According to her, the time has come for the country to become a master.

"I believe the fisheries sector must be controlled by local players and fishing vessels should be made at home to revive our shipyards," she said.

Indonesia could achieve it in view of the country's past glory, she stressed, citing that Sulawesi used to be known for its shipbuilding.

"If technology needs to be acquired, we have the money for it. It will be better to process fish at home rather than letting poachers to take away our fish, an activity that costs the country up to Rp300 trillion a year, or Rp3,000 trillion in the past ten years," she added.

This amount was almost enough to pay off the country's debts, she remarked. She expressed hope that with the establishment of a fisheries court, law enforcement efforts in the sea would increase.

"Law enforcement and sovereignty must be implemented jointly and they are above all," she pointed out.

sumber : Antara
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