REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Pro-Indonesia Coalition organized a "Coin for Australia" movement during a car-free day at Hotel Indonesia roundabout on Sunday, February 22, in protest against Prime Minister Tony Abbot's recent statement.
"Let us not let our dignity being bought by Tony Abbot," action coordinator Andi Sinulingga said at the event. He said the coins collected during the event would be used to repay the aid that Australia has given to Indonesia when it dealt with tsunami incident in 2004.
Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott has recently asked for the cancellation of the execution of two Australian drug convicts in exchange for the aid that Australia has given to Indonesia during the tsunami disaster.
In response to the Australian prime minister's statement, Indonesian Foreign Minister Retno LP Marsudi said Indonesia understood well the position of the Australian government with regard to the imminent execution of its two citizens. She however said that the execution was purely a law enforcement system in Indonesia and it was not aimed at certain nationalities.
"We understand the Australian government wished to show its presence but although we know the position of the Australian government it must be understood that this is a law enforcement action against an extraordinary crime," she said.
The AGO plans to execute 11 convicts on death row, including the drug convicts from Australia, Andrew Chan and Myuran Sukumaran, whose clemency pleas had been rejected by President Joko Widodo. Three convicts face execution over murder charges. They are Indonesian citizens Iyen bin Azwar, Harun bin Ajis, and Sargawi, alias Ali bin Sanusi.
Six convicts, including five foreigners, to be put to death over narcotics cases are Mary Jane Fiesta Veloso from the Philippines, Serge Areski Atlaoui from France, Martin Anderson, alias Belo, from Ghana, Indonesia citizen Zainal Abidin, Raheem Agbaje Salami from Cordova, and Rodrigo Gularte from Brazil.
The Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs summoned the Brazilian Ambassador to Indonesia on the 20th February 2015, at 22.00 to convey its strongest possible terms of protest towards the unfriendly act of the Government of Brazil and presented a formal note of protest.
The Government of Indonesia has also recalled home to Jakarta the Ambassador designate of Indonesia to Brazil until a time has been determined by the Government of Brazil for the presentation of his credentials.
The Government of Brazil has abruptly postponed the presentation of the credentials by the Ambassador-designate of Indonesia to Brazil Toto Riyanto, after being formally invited to present his credentials at a ceremony in the Presidential Palace of Brazil at 9.00 AM (Brazilian time), February 20, 2015.