Rabu 29 Apr 2015 20:48 WIB

Govt has no plan to raise tax rates

Red: Julkifli Marbun
Foto: Republika/ Yasin Habibi

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- The government has no plan to raise tax rates to achieve the target of Rp1,296 trillion in tax revenue for 2015, but wants the people to meet their tax obligations, according to an official.

"To achieve our tax revenue target, we need to conduct a tax "extensification" and improve the public's compliance with taxation rules. The government has no plan to raise tax rates," Head of the Fiscal Policy Board at the Finance Ministry Suahasil Nazara said during a discussion at the Bank Indonesia building here on Wednesday (29/4).

The government wants taxpayers to avoid making any error in paying taxes and fill their tax return forms properly. "Therefore, we have declared 2015 as the year to improve taxpayers' compliance," he added.

During this period, the government will give taxpayers a chance to file their tax returns, and even if they make mistakes, the government will not impose any sanction on them, he noted.