Kamis 07 May 2015 14:16 WIB

Indonesia to expand its export markets

Rep: C37/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Sofyan Djalil
Foto: Republika/Edwin Dwi Putranto
Sofyan Djalil

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, Jakarta -- Coordinating Economic Minister Sofyan Djalil said the government has prepared an extra step to stimulate economic growth. In the first quarter of 2015, Indonesia's economy grew 4.7 percent or slowed down compared to the same period in 2014 which reached 5.14 percent.

Sofyan said that one of the main causes of the economic slowdown in Indonesia due to the weakening economies of major export destinations such as China and European countries. As a result, the export of Indonesian products decreased due to declining demand from the countries of destination.

"Exports are not as expected, causing our economy grew only 4.7 percent," the minister said in his office, on Wednesday, May 6.

To boost economic growth through export performance, the government will more aggressively boost exports to countries non-traditional. It is important to increase the volume and values of exports were eroded due to the economic slowdown in major destination countries.

"Exports to non-traditional markets should be improved. For example, to the state of Iran, India, and Turkey," said Sofyan.

In addition, the government requested that local governments can immediately take advantage of the transfer of funds to the regions. It is important to encourage growth in each region.

Sofyan optimistic economic growth in subsequent quarters will be better. This is because the absorption by certain ministries has increased following the completion of the process of change in nomenclature, tender, until filling DIPA (Budget Implementation List).

"All that has been completed by the end of April so that the absorption of the budget such as spending on infrastructure and roads can begin quickly this month," he said.

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