Selasa 04 Aug 2015 18:20 WIB

Finally, BPJS presents sharia program

Rep: C09/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Foto: Republika/Rakhmawaty La'lang

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Healthcare and Social Security Agency (BPJS) will present a new program based on Islamic law. The program was planned by BPJS after having a meeting with Indonesia Council of Ulama (MUI), Tuesday (4/8).

The Chairman of BPJS, Fahmi Idris, said that the program is presented for Indonesian people, so they can choose between conventional or sharia. The difference is sharia BPJS program will manage the funds in accordance with the Islamic law.

The health care facilities will also be provided in accordance with Islamic principles. While BPJS still manage the conventional BPJS program with the regulations that have been defined.

"The program was presented so that people can choose it. We might be able to save their money in Bank sharia and manage it with appropriate Islamic law," said Fahmi in Jakarta, Tuesday (4/8).

In term of services, BPJS will not differentiate conventional and sharia program. Health services is still using BPJS regulation.

However, Fahmi emphasized that sharia BPJS program is still not completed. The program will continue to be discussed by the technical team, namely BPJS, MUI, OJK, DJSN, the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Finance.

"We are still discussing this program further," said Fahmi.

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