Kamis 27 Aug 2015 00:02 WIB

Jasa Raharja goes online for accident victims

Rep: C09/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Foto: alarabiya

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, PALEMBANG -- PT Jasa Raharja (Persero) applied an online system which is connected with hospitals to get data of accident victims. The data will be used as a reference to provide compensation funds.

Head of Public Relations of PT Jasa Raharja, Muhammad Ferhat, explained, Jasa Raharja will immediately receive a notification from hospital through the online system, when there is accident victims treated in the emergency room.

“When there is a notification, our officers will immediately come to the hospital to check and manage compensation fund through a letter of guarantee," said Ferhat, Wednesday (26/8).

Currently, the integrated online system is already implemented in seven hospitals in Jabodetabek. Some of them are Sentra Medika Hospital Cibinong, Fatmawati Hospital and UKI Hospital.

Jasa Raharja will continue to expand cooperation with hospitals in many regions, such as Charitas Hospital in Palembang.

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