Senin 02 Nov 2015 14:10 WIB

Govt to announce economic policy package VI

Rep: C09/ Red: Julkifli Marbun

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- The government would announce economic policy package volume IV. The launch of the policy package would be conducted at the Presidential Office, Monday (2/11).

Previously, the Government had issued five policy packages that contained a number of economic deregulation. The last package launched, namely the economic policy package volume V, contained deregulation in the form of tax incentives for SOEs and private companies that performed revaluation of assets.

Moreover, in the same policy package, the Government also gave deregulation of networking ease of opening an office for Islamic banking industry. Islamic banks home network, such as conventional banks, could be involved in selling Islamic products without having to open a new office.

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has previously stated that the Government would not stop issuing policy packages in order to encourage economic growth. After the fifth package, which was launched on 22nd October, the President said, there were still hundreds of policy package that would be announced later.

"After the fifth package, there will be sixth, seventh, eighth package. It will probably continue until 100th, 200th, to 300th package," said President Jokowi.

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