Kamis 03 Dec 2015 18:37 WIB

BEI: Freeport shares can be restricted only for Indonesian investors

Rep: C09/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Indonesian Stock Exchange (BEI)
Foto: Republika/Adhi Wicaksono
Indonesian Stock Exchange (BEI)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Indonesia Stock Exchange (BEI) rate scheme divestment of PT Freeport Indonesia through capital market with mechanism of initial public offering (IPO) was the best way to redistribute income. In addition, Freeport shares could be restricted only to domestic investors.

"IPO is the best way to make income distribution through stock ownership be done," said President Director of BEI, Tito Sulistio, in Jakarta, Wednesday (2/12).

According to him, restriction of the purchase of shares of PT Freeport Indonesia by domestic investors might happen. Freeport Indonesia could apply special requirements to Financial Services Authority (OJK) and BEI if there are concerns that the shares will be dominated by foreigners.

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Through IPO, Tito added, the shares that have been purchased would give dividend to its buyers. Therefore, the sale of shares through the capital market could be considered as a means of redistributing income.

"There is a question, is it possible the purchase of shares is restricted only to Indonesian investors? I said maybe. It is agreement of sale and we can ask for permission to OJK. In trade, BEI can protect the purchaser to only Indonesian people," he explained.

Tito propose Freeport shares to be owned by Government of Papua, Papuan people insurance, pension fund, Social Security Agency, and other institutions that can prosper the people of Indonesia.

He pointed out, the current shares of PT Freeport Indonesia was included in PT Indocopper Investama of 9.5 percent, the government of 9.35 percent, and the rest was owned by Freeport-McMoRan Copper & Gold Inc.

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