Rabu 13 Apr 2016 22:09 WIB

President urges for abandoning old tradition on development planning

Rep: Aldian Wahyu Ramadhan/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
President Jokowi
Foto: Kemendesa
President Jokowi

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- President Joko Widodo want the synchronization of budget planning and development. President did not want budget planning disconnected with development planning.

"[Sometimes what we have planned] different from the budget. Leave the old tradition where a lot of planning and budgeting disconnected," said President on Wednesday.

Jokowi said synergy and synchronization were the key to national development to be more efficient and effective. Currently, President said, the principle of the government budget is the money follow the program, not the money follow the function.

Budget planning and development should be integrated, consolidated between sectors, regions and between the central and local. "No more sectoral ego. We should be oriented to the program that is beneficial to the people," said President.

Jokowi also ask each ministry and agency (K/L) to improve the quality of budgeting. The budget must be made with clear priorities. "Bappenas and Minister of Finance should be an example that this synergy really what we can do," said Jokowi.

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