Kamis 15 Mar 2012 18:18 WIB

Phew... One time zone and many problems ahead!

Rep: Roshma Widiyani/Satya Festiani/ Red: Yeyen Rostiyani
Indonesian time zones (illustration)
Foto: kotamedan.com
Indonesian time zones (illustration)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA – Government’s plan to convert Indonesian three time zones into one could not change the traffic jam in Jakarta, the public policy analyst Agus Pambagio said.

“It does not affect the traffic, but only change the Jakarta’s rush hour. The time conversion into one time zone only complicates the matters because it changes people’s habit,” he, said.

The implication of the policy also causes several problems because the policy cannot be implemented directly and simultaneously, and to change the habits is not easy either.

“The policy is made to fit the opening hour of Singapore exchange. But the implication may not be good. The matters related to administration and economy will be more complicated,” he said.

Jakarta lifestyle should be changed. The same thing also happens to school hour. The plan to convert time zone actually has emerged since five years ago. The talk comes forth again on the early March 2012 supported by businessmen who assess that the conversion can increase work efficiency. 


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