Selasa 22 Oct 2013 16:11 WIB

Indonesia's Export Highly Demanded in Sudan

Muslim Sudan
Muslim Sudan

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Indonesia's Ambassador to Sudan Sujatmiko said products originated from Indonesia has a lot of demand in Sudan's market.

"Sudan's market is very potential for Indonesian export," Sujatmiko said in the Office of the Coordinating Ministry for People's Welfare, Jakarta, Tuesday (22/10). 

Therefore, he said, Indonesia needs to continue to foster good relations with the Government of Sudan. National export to Sudan mainly paper, textiles, agricultural tools products, and so forth. 

He added, one of efforts to maintain good relations with Sudan is to provide assistance to Sudan's last month flooding disaster. He explained that his visit to the office of the Minister is to discuss the possibility of granting aid to Sudan.

"I propose the Government through the Minister, Indonesia could provide post-flood assistance to Sudan for building a school in that country," he said.

He said, at this point, Sudan needed rehabilitation and reconstruction aid to repair damaged homes and buildings.

"Since the floods had occurred nearly two months ago, the emergency assistance such as food, medicines and others are not so urgent, because it has entered in to rebuilding stage," he said.

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