Jumat 25 Oct 2013 16:54 WIB

Bahasa can go international

Rep: Arie Lukihardianti/Mutia Ramadhani/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
 Buku pelajaran Bahasa Indonesia (ilustrasi)
Foto: Republika/Prayogi
Buku pelajaran Bahasa Indonesia (ilustrasi)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Indonesian language or bahasa has the potential to become an international language. Bahasa has more than 400 million speakers spread all over 156 countries in the world.

"We have main goal to make Indonesian language as an international language on a par to English language. If Bahasa speakers have reached 400 million people, it's possible to achieve the dream," Deputy Head of Asian Languages and Cultures, Hadijah Rahmat said recently.

Hadijah explained that ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) in 2015 also concerned with cultural cooperation. Indonesian language or Malay can be used among ASEAN countries. To make Bahasa an international language, there should be efforts to produce translated literature.

Head of Language Development in Ministry of Education and Culture, Mahsun said that government sought to make Indonesian language as a language of science, as per Latin Greek language.

"The key is local scientific innovation. Indonesian must involve in knowledge development and innovation," Mahsun said.

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