Kamis 31 Oct 2013 22:57 WIB

Tax mafia investigated

Rep: Gilang Akbar Prambadi/Muhammad Iqbal/Mutia Ramadhani/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Polisi (Ilustrasi)
Foto: policeoracle
Polisi (Ilustrasi)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Police began to investigate the possibility of the existence of mafia networks in Directorate General of Custom and Excise. This investigation as further effort after the arrest of official of Directorate General of Custom and Excise, Heru Sulastyano (HS) as a suspect.

HS was allegedly bribed by businessmen who wanted to avoid the import export tax. HS is suspected of accepting bribes from a businessman named Yusron Arif (YA) with the assistance of his wife. 

Director of Special Economic Crime Directorate, Sulistyanto Arief said that he had recently checked HS with his wife. He will develop an investigation from a number of witnesses. This effort to examine whether the suspect is collaborating with other tax officers or not.

"We will investigate more deeply," Arief said recently.

Motif of HS is to make insurance policy as camouflage bribery of exporters. Both HS and his wife have nine accounts of insurance policy. Through this, YA sends money to each account as form of regular payment of monthly deposit insurance.

For example, YA will send some money to Siti Rosida (SR), an employee who works in one of 10 export import companies. 

After all money are collected in SR's account, the it will be transferred to HS. Total of insurance policy that is in HS's account worth 4.533 billion IDR in 2013, while insurance policy in HS wife's account worth 6.490 billion IDR. 

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