Selasa 12 Nov 2013 23:52 WIB

Police seize 5.5 grams of meth in Jambi

  Petugas memperlihatkan barang bukti beserta tersangka jaringan narkoba internasional kepada wartawan di Jakarta, Senin (11/11).  (Republika/Prayogi)
Petugas memperlihatkan barang bukti beserta tersangka jaringan narkoba internasional kepada wartawan di Jakarta, Senin (11/11). (Republika/Prayogi)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAMBI -- Police in Jambi province have arrested a man, charged with attempting to sell 5.592 grams of crystal methamphetamine (shabu-shabu).

The suspected trafficker, identified as Amir Setiabudi, was arrested on October 29 following tips from the public, Jambi provincial police spokesman Adj. Snr. Comr. Almansyah said here on Tuesday.

The police seized the methamphetamine in 15 packs from Amir at a house on Longkar Timur Street, South Jambi sub-district, Jambi city, he said.

Amir told police investigators that he received the contraband from a man identified by his initial as E, who is not at large, Almansyah said.

The suspect is being held at the Jambi provincial police jail.

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