Jumat 28 Mar 2014 19:31 WIB

Analyst: Prabowo's communication style is counterproductive

Rep: Mutia Ramadhani/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Foto: Agung Supriyanto/Republika

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Political analyst of Gadjah Mada University, Ary Dwipayana saw that Prabowo's communication style attacked political situation and causing negative image to Gerindra party.  His communication style actually strengthens public assumption over Prabowo himself.

"Public may perceive that Prabowo is an emotional leader, immature and temperament in facing crisis," Dwipayana said recently as reported by M Akbar Widjaya.

Dwipayana said that Prabowo should be wary of public perception in assessing future leader. In modern politics, public perception often becomes decisive between the winner and the looser in political contest. There is shifting of public perception in assessing future leader.

Majority of Indonesian citizen previously perceive an ideal leader with a smart and handsome figure. But now, they are happier with the leader who seems innocent and ordinary.

"This new perception is also felt by young children," Dwipayana added.

In national campaign of Gerindra party at Bung Karno Stadium recently, Prabowo asked public to be careful with puppet president.

"Do you want to be led by a puppet president?" Prabowo said in front of tens of thousands of Gerindra's cadres.

Prabowo also criticized the liar politicians. He said that parents did not teach their children to lie.

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