Jumat 28 Mar 2014 20:53 WIB

PKS and Golkar Party claim not affected by survey result

Rep: Arie Lukihardianti/Mutia Ramadhani/ Red: Yeyen Rostiyani
A member of General Elections Commission (KPU) in Kediri in East Java, shows ballot paper. (File photo)
Foto: Antara/Rudi Mulya
A member of General Elections Commission (KPU) in Kediri in East Java, shows ballot paper. (File photo)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, BANDUNG -- The Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) and Golkar Party claimed that survey did not affect their optimism. Earlier, survey conducted by Charta Politica said that both parties were not favorable among Indonesian people today. 

Chairman of Board of directors of PKS in West Java, Tate Qomarudin said that the party relied on working hard  to gain sympathy from voters despite the survey's result. PKS believes that the party's participation in general election will add a touch of color to Indonesian democracy.  

"Based on experience, PKS still won some local elections despite negative opinions addressed to the party. People still put their trust on our party," Qomarudin said recently.

While Deputy Secretary of Golkar Party in West Java, Pulihono, said that the survey result was not consistent. He said, according to the survey, Golkar Party was unfavorable among respondents. The result contradicts to the fact that the party always sat at second place in previous elections. Pulihono accused that the survey was used to mislead public opnion. 









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