Sabtu 16 Aug 2014 03:17 WIB

Three more suspects named in Transjakarta graft case

Red: Julkifli Marbun
Foto: Republika/Yasin Habibi

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- The Attorney General's Office has named three more suspects in a Rp1.5 trillion graft case related to the procurement of articulated buses and single buses for the Transjakarta busway network.

"Investigators have named three new suspects in the Transjakarta case," spokesman for the Attorney General's Office Tony T Spontana said here on Friday.

The three new suspects, all of them private company executives, are identified by their initials as BS, president director of PT New Armada/PT Mobilindo Armada Cemerlang, AS, president director of PT Ifani Dewi, and CCK, president director of PT Korindo Motors.

The new suspects brings to seven the number of people suspected of involvement in the graft case.