Sabtu 18 Oct 2014 04:34 WIB

550 Australian students to study in Indonesia

Rep: Yulianingsih/Mutia Ramadhani/ Red: Julkifli Marbun

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, YOGYAKARTA -- Australian students studying in Indonesia increase every year. There will be 550 new students from Australia who will take the study in Indonesia, particularly in Yogyakarta.

"Most of them will study in Gadjah Mada University," Australian Ambassador to Indonesia, Greg Moraty said during a visit to Gadjah Mada University on Friday.

The arrival of Australian ambassador in order to launch a scholarship program, namely New Colombo Plan (NCP) for Australian students. According to Moraty, NCP  aims to improve the knowledge of Australian students about the Asia Pacific region. Students who attend the program will receive 100 million AUD for five years.

With the NCP, student can use it for semester program, short course, internship and mentorship in four countries, namely Indonesia, Singapore, Japan and Hong Kong. In Indonesia, the NCP program cooperates with Gadjah Mada University, the Australian Consortium of 'In-Country' Indonesiaan Studies (ACICIS) and the Australian Embassy in Jakarta. According to Moraty, Australian people have to know better the countries in Asia Pacific because it can build cooperation among countries.

"Through the NCP, Australi can learn from Indonesia and vice versa," Moraty said.

Rector of Gadjah Mada University, Pratikno welcomes the Australian students who will study in the campuss. He believes that people to people friendship will provide benefits for both sides," Pratikno said.

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