Rabu 22 Oct 2014 15:03 WIB

Infantry Battalion 511 deployed to secure RI-PNG borders

Red: Julkifli Marbun
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Foto: [ist]
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REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, SURABAYA -- Several soldiers from the Dibyantara Yudha Infantry Battalion 511 in East Java have been deployed to safeguard the Republic of Indonesia (RI)-Papua New Guinea (PNG) borders.

Chief of the Brawijaya Regional Military Command V Maj. Gen. Eko Wiratmoko bid farewell to the soldiers on Monday (October 20), Col. Totok Sugiharto, the chief of the command's information service, stated here on Wednesday.

The Indonesian nation and state have entrusted the soldiers of the infantry battalion to safeguard the sovereignty of the Unitary Republic of Indonesia, particularly its borders with PNG, Maj. Gen. Eko noted while seeing off the soldiers.

"The chief of the regional military command also reminded the soldiers of the infantry battalion that they needed to have a persuasive approach and build togetherness with all the elements of the community in the area where they were deployed," Col. Totok said, quoting the regional military command chief.

Your success in drawing sympathy and support from the community is the key to thwarting the separatist movement in the border area, he stated.

"Stay alert in every step you take, and use your time to carry out positive activities, including empowering the local people to explore their potentials and nurturing military units in the operation area," Maj. Gen. Eko remarked.

On the occasion, Maj. Gen. Eko also conveyed a seven-point message to the soldiers, which included maintaining solidarity, creating a harmonious atmosphere through social communication or approaches to customary, religious, and public figures, shunning all words and acts that offend the local people, and refraining from acts that have the potential to violate the laws and human rights.

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