Kamis 08 Jan 2015 17:34 WIB

More Udar assets confiscated

Udar Pristono
Foto: Antara/Dhoni Setiawan
Udar Pristono

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- The attorney general office confiscated more assets of former head of the Jakarta transport service Udar Pristono, who is charged with corruption.

The attorney general office confiscated three condominium hotel buildings in the Legian beach resort of Bali, Toni T Spontana, the spokesman of the attorney general office said.

The three buildings are worth Rp1 billion, Toni said here on Wednesday (7/1).

Udar has been arrested on charge of corruption in the procurement of Jakarta's Trans Jakarta buses.

Earlier, Udar's son Aldi Prada rejected summon for investigation by the attorney general investigators on money laundering charge against his father.

"Aldi Prada refused to come for investigation as witness as son of the suspect," Toni said.

The attorney general has also confiscated money amounting to Rp500 million from the president director PT. Mobilindo Armada, Budi Susanto, another suspect in the procurement of TransJakarta buses all worth Rp1.5 trillion.

The attorney general office has also confiscated other assets of Udar including two apartment houses in Kuningan, South Jakarta, cars and money amounting to Rp800 million in a raid in his house in Jakarta.

sumber : Antara
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