Sabtu 10 Jan 2015 17:28 WIB

No black box inside Air Asia plane tail

Rep: Reja Irfa Widodo/Satya Festiani/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Air Asia QZ 8501 search and rescue operation (Antara/Pool/Adek Berry)
Air Asia QZ 8501 search and rescue operation (Antara/Pool/Adek Berry)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, PANGKALAN BUN -- Divers did not see black box inside the plane's tail of AirAsia QZ8501. However, National Search and Rescue Agency (Basarnas) will evacuate the tail to ensure the existence of the black box.

"Divers tried to locate the black box, but they did not see it. Maybe we will see it after it has been evacuated," Operational Director of Basarnas, Supriadi, said on Saturday, December 10. Basarnas plans to evacuate the plane's tail to Tanjung Kumai for further examination.

Yet, Supriadi said that the chance of black box was still intact to the tail was little. Based on the 'ping' signal, the black box is about 500 meter from the tail. However, it is impossible for divers to swim due to strong currents and mud.

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