Senin 05 Jan 2015 21:42 WIB

Airport authority: AirAsia QZ8501 not illegal

Rep: Andi M Ikhbal/Satya Festiani/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Air Asia
Air Asia

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, SURABAYA -- Airport authority region III stated that Air Asia flight QZ8501 from Surabaya to Singapore was technically not illegal. The authority, covering Juanda Airport, said that the flight met requirements.

The statement is following a move by Ministry of Transportation that temporarily freezes the Surabaya-Singapore air route permit for Indonesia Air Asia. Government suspected that the airline violated regulation, flying without first obtaining the permission of the local air traffic authorities.

The Head of Airport authority region III Praminto Hadi Sukarno said that if Director General of Air Transportation issued permit and Indonesia Slot Coordination issued flight time, it meant that they have coordinated with Air Traffic Council and Airport management or Angkasa Pura I Juanda. "It is all related. They have prepared the facilities, such as parking space," Sukarno said on Monday, January 5.

However, evaluation is still underway. "We are still evaluating the matter," he said.

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