Senin 26 Jan 2015 20:16 WIB

Bibit: Formation of independent team reasonable

Bibit Samad Rianto
Bibit Samad Rianto

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Former deputy chairman of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Bibit Samad Rianto has called the setting up of an independent team to help end conflicts between KPK and the National Police (Polri) a reasonable step.

"In my view, there is no problem in setting up the independent team that will gather facts about the issues between KPK and Polri," Bibit said here on Monday.

According to him, the independent team is expected to at least give suggestions to President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) about steps that can settle all issues.

President Jokowi is said to have formed an independent team to prevent the criminalization of issues between KPK and Polri.

The independent team is believed to consist of seven members, namely former Constitutional Court chief justice Jimly Asshidique, former deputy Police Chief Comm. Gen. (retired) Oegroseno, former deputy chairmen of KPK Tumpak Hatorangan Panggabean and Erry Riyana Hardjapamekas, former expert staff of Police chief Bambang Widodo Umar, international law expert Hikmahanto Juwana, and former chairman of Muhammadiyah Syafii Maarif.

Bibit noted that he believed that the selection of these figures has been through the consideration of Presidential Advisory Council.

In the meantime, deputy Speaker of Parliament Fadli Zon remarked that President Jokowi has taken the right step in forming the independent team.

"I think the President is right in seeking advice from law experts and then forming an independent team to seek an end to the conflict," Fadlo observed here on Monday.

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