Kamis 29 Jan 2015 13:44 WIB

KPK commissioners plan to send letter to Jokowi

Rep: Satya Festiani/Antara/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Bambang Widjojanto (Antara/Fanny Octavianus)
Bambang Widjojanto (Antara/Fanny Octavianus)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Commissioners of Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) plan to send letter to President Joko "Jokowi" Widodo. The letter is related to the status of Deputy Chief of KPK Bambang Widjojanto who is named as a suspect.

"From what I heard, the commissioners will send a letter to the president. I don't know contain of the letter. I'd better not know," Bambang Widjojanto said on Wednesday, January 28.

Police names Bambang Widjojanto as a suspect in false testimony case during disputed Kotawaringin Barat Regional Election in Constitutional Court in 2010. Police arrested him on Friday, January 23, but he walked away free at dawn on Saturday, January 24 after KPK Commissioners Zulkarnain and Adnan Pandu Praja bailed him out.

Widjojanto has submitted his resignation letter to KPK commissioners, but it was rejected.

Eventhough he is still a commissioner, Widjojanto has limited his activity in KPK. "I can involve in a case formally, but I know my capacity," he said.

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