Sabtu 14 Feb 2015 08:43 WIB

KPK confiscates suspect Fuad Amin's assets

Foto: i-net

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, BANGKALAN -- The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK), Friday, confiscated plots of land belonging to the graft suspect RKH Fuad Amin Imron.

"That is true, the assets of the former Head of Bangkalan District have been confiscated," head of the Bangkalan sub-district Salman Hidayat said when accompanying the KPK's team of investigators here Friday.

The KPK's investigators came to the East Java provincial town of Bangkalan from morning till afternoon.

Land was confiscated at several locations such as in the Bilaporah village, at Jalan Martadinata, Sembilagan village, and Petapan village.

On January 21, the KPK confiscated three cars belonging to graft suspect RKH Fuad Amin Imron by requesting the Bangkalan Resort police assistance, chief of the Bangkalan police precinct Adjunct Senior Commissioner Soelistijono said Wednesday night.

It was the second time the KPK had seized cars belonging to Fuad after it confiscated two of his cars on December 22, 2014.

Thus, the KPK has so far confiscated five cars of Fuad, who has been named as a suspect in an alleged bribery case with regard to gas supply.

In addition, KPK has also questioned Fuad?s adjutant Sohib and Hosun, one of the civil servants of the Bangkalan administration.

On January 19, the KPK`s investigators questioned Fuad Amin`s former adjutants Ach Baidi and Ahmad Faisol.

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