Ahad 14 Jun 2015 21:30 WIB

DPRD Jakarta needs further discussion of LRT

Rep: C37/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Foto: Republika/Raisan Al Farisi

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Commission D Chairman of Jakarta City Council (DPRD Jakarta), Mohamad Sanusi said there should be further discussion on the construction of Light Rapid Transit (LRT), which will be built on this year.

"In my opinion, if you want to use APBD (local budget) it should be presented first to the council," said Sanusi in Nusantara Culinary Festival, Banteng Square, Central Jakarta, on Sunday, June 14.

He said in the Regional Medium Term Development Plan (RPJMD) the most important in DKI was to improve mass transportation. However, according to Sanusi, LRT has not been illustrated in the Regional Spatial Plan (RTRW) and the Detailed Spatial Plan (RDTR). "There are problems which have not been illustrated. If the monorail, MRT (Mass Rapid Transit), the track has been illustrated in RDTR and RTRW,"said the Gerindra politician.

He continued, LRT was a major matter that should be dealt with a variety of Jakarta Parliament Commission. Not just commission that discussed the economic.

"Chairman of council should have initiated it, because this is not just for commission B. Commission B only in managerial and economical, but infrastructure on commission D. And commission C for budgeting,"said Sanusi.

LRT construction itself is going to involve other cities around Jakarta. LRT will be built to connect the city with other cities, such as Jakarta-Bogor, Jakarta-Tangerang and Jakarta-Bekasi.

There are seven corridors that is planned to be built. Corridor one from Kelapa Gading to Kebayoran Lama, then, corridor seven from Soekarno-Hatta to Pekan Raya Jakarta, Kemayoran. LRT construction will also to facilitate the implementation of Asian Games 2018.


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