Jumat 09 Oct 2015 21:00 WIB

Ministry to improve quality of Indonesian human resources in facing AEC

Rep: C09/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Foto: Republika/Prayogi

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Ministry of Labor still made several efforts to improve quality of human resources of Indonesia. Human resources was considered as one of the four main capital of Indonesia in facing the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) which will start at the end of 2015.

Head of Sub Directorate of Standard Competency  Development, Ministry of Labor, Muchtar Aziz, said there are several strategies that will be done by the Ministry to improve quality of labor, one of them is to develop work standard competency. Work standard competency needs to be owned by Indonesian workers in order to compete with foreign workers.

"Now there are already 432 standard competencies in 23 ministries/agencies in Indonesia," said Muchtar, in an Employment Workshop with theme 'Readiness of Ministry of Labor in facing AEC', in Bogor, Thursday (8/10).

To support this strategy, he added, strengthening of institutions and competency-based training is also needed. The standard competency should be developed based on the needs of industry.

"The training program and competence test is arranged based on work standard competency that were prepared by industry, and there is recognition of the competence of certification by the industry," said Muchtar.

According to him, improvement of quality and productivity of Indonesian human resources becomes one of challenges for the Ministry. This was due to the unequal distribution of education, which affect labor productivity.

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