Selasa 27 Oct 2015 11:53 WIB

Unicef ​​provides information services for Indonesian midwives

Rep: C09/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Foto: Twitter

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, SURABAYA -- Maternal and infant mortality rate in Indonesia was still relatively high. Unicef data ​​stated, every year, there were about 5,000 mothers and 28 thousand babies died during pregnancy and childbirth.

Cases of maternal and infant mortality was closely related to the position of medical personnel, such as midwives. According to Unicef, 21 percent of Indonesian women gave birth with help of doctors, while other 62 percent gave birth with help of midwives. The remainder still relied on traditional birth attendants.

Based on these data, the biggest aid in childbirth was midwives. Realizing the importance of strengthening capacity of midwives in order to save mother and baby from death, UNICEF and Indonesian Ministry of Health, launched information service called 'Midwives Info'.

Unicef Communication Officer in Indonesia, Desiree Tilaar, explained that the  Midwives Info was a multiplatform information services to support work of midwifes. Desi said, 'Midwives Info' provided information via website, Facebook, text messages, and even applications, which could be accessed via mobile phones.

"The contents are articles, videos, and images that can be accessed by the midwives. There is also news that made by midwives themselves," Desi said, at the launch of 'Midwives Info' information service at University of Airlangga, Surabaya, Sunday (25/10).

Desi stated, 'Midwives Info' was a development of a pilot project conducted in 2012-2013. Previously, Unicef had ​​strengthened capacity of midwives through short message service program.

Via short messages or SMS, Unicef sent useful information for 200 midwives in Pemalang, Central Java and West Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara. These two places were chosen because of high rates of maternal and infant mortality.

The program gained positive achievements, so it was necessary to be developed. Through 'Midwives Info', Desi hoped, more midwives were encouraged to be more advanced, because they played an important role in reducing maternal and infant mortality.

'Midwives Info' was already accessible via website, namely It was first be launched in East Java, and also would be launched in Central Java and West Nusa Tenggara.

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