Selasa 01 Dec 2015 16:04 WIB

Pertamina establishes cooperation with Garuda to develop aviation business

Rep: C09/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Foto: ibtimes

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- PT Pertamina (Persero) signed a cooperation contract with PT Garuda Indonesia (Persero) to mutually utilize shared assets of both companies. One of the important points in this cooperation was utilization of Pondok Cabe airfield owned by subsidiary of Pertamina, Pelita Air Service.

President Director of Pertamina, Dwi Sucipto, explained Pondok Cabe airfield utilization was expected to support efforts to accelerate business development of Pelita Air, as a subsidiary of Pertamina, which is engaged in aviation business.

"This agreement could support business acceleration of Pelita Air," Dwi said, after signing cooperation contract with Garuda Indonesia at Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs), Monday (30/11).

Pertamina and Garuda also agreed on the ease of business aviation fuel products and other types of fuel, including biofuels and lubricants. The two companies also agreed to support each network utilization and promotion of joint customers.

Read: Price of aviation fuel down 5.23 percent

Minister of SOEs, Rini Soemarno, said this cooperation was in accordance with the government's program to improve the synergy among state-owned enterprises. In principle, synergy could provide the best benefits for the state-owned companies and the state.

"The synergy that already exists can continue to be developed to increase competitiveness of both SOEs in either domestic or foreign markets," Rini added.

Meanwhile, President Director of Garuda Indonesia, M Arief Wibowo, believed that the partnership could improve operational performance of both companies because it included the use of common asset.

"This cooperation is in accordance with quick wins plan that we run. Hopefully it can continue to be developed," said Arief.

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