Ahad 13 Dec 2015 21:19 WIB

Indonesia to set up energy fund in 2016

Sudirman Said
Foto: Republika/Agung Supriyanto
Sudirman Said

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, BANDA ACEH -- The Energy and Mineral Resources Ministry plans to set up an energy fund to develop the national energy resilience in 2016.

"It's like the Oil Palm Fund. This is an idea to collect all funds and use the funds to develop the energy resilience," Energy and Mineral Resources Minister Sudirman Said told the press here, Saturday.

The funds will be used for among other things, explorations, renewable energy development, researches, and human resources education programs.

The fund sources will include the collection of the existing funds, and oil fuel taxes as well as the state budget (APBN), he stated.

The energy fund is need to catch up with the renewable energy development progress.

The government is serious in promoting the renewable energy as a national energy source and has set a target of achieving 23 percent usage by 2025.

The National Development Planning Ministry/The Agency for National Development Planning (Bappenas) has also included the energy fund in its plan.

He called on every government representative and stakeholder to help expedite the renewable energy development and to be serious in meeting the energy demands.

The government has also accelerated the transportation means development to reduce private vehicle usage, and has encouraged efforts to recycle waste into clean energy, he added.

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