Kamis 14 Jan 2016 19:49 WIB

In Dumai, Gafatar receives Mayor Award

Rep: Fira Nursya'bani/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Foto: Antara/Prasetia Fauzani

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, PEKANBARU -- Community organization Gerakan Fajar Nusantara or Gafatar had received award from Dumay Mayor. The award was given after Gafatar was actively participated in various social activities in Dumai.

"In Dumai we carried out a variety of social and humanitarian activities. In fact, we got an award and appreciation from Major of Dumai Khairul Anwar," said Yudi, former Chairman of Gafatar Dumai via telephone on Thursday (14/1).

Yudi explained, as Chairman of Gafatar Dumai, he often carried out social and humanitarian activities, such as blood donation and maintaining cleanliness of the river and the environment. While in Kalimantan, there are many former members of Gafatar who are presently engaged in agriculture.

"We develop business of palm oil with residents in Kalimantan," he explained.

When he was asked whether Gafatar was completely infiltrated by ideology that is considered heretical by the government, Yudi denied it.

"We're running as an organization concerns in social care and humanity," he said.

Gafatar previously reported found in Dumai since a few years ago. Even the organization was registered and recognized by the local government.

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