Ahad 27 Mar 2016 22:56 WIB

President: Muslimar NU plays major role in development of nation

Foto: setkab.go.id

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- The Nahdlatul Ulama Women Organization (Muslimat NU) has played a major role in the development of Indonesia and has helped fashion out its character.

"The Muslimat NU has played a major role in the development of the nation and of the state," President Joko Widodo said on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of Muslimat NU at the Gajayana stadium, Malang, here on Saturday.

The president remarked that a family plays a major role in building the nation. It is the family that teaches the children manners, character and other basic values.

"A mother is the first and primary teacher for her children," the president said.

In this context, the president appreciated the efforts of the Muslimat NU in maintaining the concept of a family and ensuring a good environment by undertaking positive activities.

In addition, the president called on the Muslimat NU to help improve human resources so that the country can compete with other nations.

"To win the competition, the country requires quality human resources, a sense of optimism, hard work and cooperation," the president remarked.

He reminded the people about the challenge posed by radicalism, terrorism and proliferation of drugs.

"I urge the Muslimat NU to continue to fight for the people, and for the sake of nation as well as country," the president said.

The president urged all elements of the nation to unite in developing the country.

"We have to unite to improve people's welfare," the president said.

Earlier, President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) and his entourage left Jakarta for Malang Saturday morning to attend the 70th anniversary celebrations of Muslimat NU at the Gajayana stadium.

They left by the special presidential aircraft Indonesia-1, Presidential Communication Team member Ari Dwipayana said in a written statement.

The event was attended by tens of thousands of members across the country.

Through the celebrations organized under the theme, "Unite to Create a Peaceful and Prosperous Indonesia," the Muslimat NU aimed to launch efforts to consolidate various regions of Indonesia.

After attending the event, President Jokowi and his entourage were scheduled to return to Jakarta Saturday afternoon.

Established on March 29, 1946, the Muslimat NU aims to empower Indonesian women by involving them in the economy and strengthening health, education, and social sectors.

Muslimat NU is present in 34 provinces in Indonesia and is said to have 554 branches at the district or city level.

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