Selasa 26 Apr 2016 18:09 WIB

'Save Romang Island' coalition calls for investigation into gold smuglling

Foto: Antara

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, AMBON -- The coalition of "Save Romang Island" has urged police and military officials to investigate the smuggling of two tons of gold, allegedly committed by PT. Gemala Borneo Utama (GBU).

"The alleged smuggling of two tons of gold on Romang Island, Southwest Maluku District (MBD), must be investigated thoroughly, and we also urge the Maluku provincial government to revoke the license of PT. GBU," Save Romang Island Coalition field coordinator Christian Sea remarked here on Tuesday.

He made the statement during a rally to protest against the gold mining operations of PT GBU on Romang Island.

Hundreds of people from several youth, non-governmental, and mass organizations grouped under the Save Romang Island Coalition staged the rally in conjunction with the inauguration of Barnabas Orno as MBD head for the second term from 2016 to 2021.

To this end, the Save Romang Island Coalition firmly rejected all activities of PT. GBU on Romang Island and strongly condemned any party involved in the theft and smuggling of gold on the island.

sumber : Antara
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