Rabu 01 Jun 2016 22:14 WIB

Muhammadiyah suggests establishment of supervisory of anti-terrorism agency

Rep: MGROL70/Rr Laeny Sulistywati/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Tim dari Densus 88 berjaga-jaga saat melakukan penggeledahan di sebuah rumah milik terduga teroris Us di Komplek Bojong Malaka Indah, Desa Bojong Malaka, Kecamatan Baleendah, Kabupaten Bandung, Selasa (12/1). (Republika/Edi Yusuf)
Foto: Republika/Edi Yusuf
Tim dari Densus 88 berjaga-jaga saat melakukan penggeledahan di sebuah rumah milik terduga teroris Us di Komplek Bojong Malaka Indah, Desa Bojong Malaka, Kecamatan Baleendah, Kabupaten Bandung, Selasa (12/1). (Republika/Edi Yusuf)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Committee (PP) of Muhammadiyah advised the government to establish a regulatory body that supervise counter terrorism agencies such as the National Counter Terrorism Agency (BNPT) and the Densus 88 – Indonesian Special Forces Counter-Terrorism. This suggestion was given because counter-terrorism budget being left unsupervised.

"For example, Densus reached up to Rp 1.9 trillion," said member of the Assembly Library and Information PP Muhammadiyah Mustafa B Nahrawardaya when called in Jakarta, Tuesday (31/5).

Until now there is no institution with authority to oversee the accountability related to the use and the amount of funds that owned by anti-terrorism agency. So the use of the state budget for the eradication of terrorism is not controlled.

"In principle all funding from the state budget must be accounted. The principle of 'good governance' must be pushed. Except of foreign funds, then it can be used with pleasure," he said.

Besides, oversight is needed due the number of  violation cases and abuse of terrorism suspects received when the investigation process.

Mustafa added, it is the same analogy as with the efforts of law enforcement in ways that actually violated the law.

PP Muhammadiyah also hope the idea of an oversight body could be referred to the revision of Law No. 15 of 2003 on the Eradication of Terrorism. But Mustafa emphasized the regulatory body can be realized and therefore considered by individuals who will served of both structural and operational positions at the agency.

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