Kamis 15 Dec 2016 00:14 WIB

PKS declares to appeal to higher court against Fahri Hamzah

Rep: Bayu Hermawan, Sri Handayani/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda
Legal advisor of the Central Board of the Justice and Prosperity Party (PKS), Zainuddin Paru
Foto: istimewa
Legal advisor of the Central Board of the Justice and Prosperity Party (PKS), Zainuddin Paru

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- The Central Board of the Justice and Prosperity Party (DPP PKS) claimed to respect the judgments made by the South Jakarta District Court judges. It won Fahri Hamzah for alawsuit against the party. However, the legal advisor of DPP PKS, Zainuddin Paru, said that the party would appeal to a higher court to obtain legal certainty. "We appealed for the judgments,” said Zainuddin in South Jakarta, Wednesday (12/14).

According to Zainuddin, PKS assumed that the judges had neglected the Law No. 2 of 2011 about political parties. The regulation specifically set some procedures for the settlement of internal disputes of political parties. "The judges' decision was very dangerous for the democracy and the existence of political parties, because political parties would not able to enforce their rules and organizational discipline that has been set up in their statute," he explained.

Zainuddin said that PKS’ statute is a legal internal product of the organization authorized by the Indonesian Ministry of Justice and Human Rights. Therefore, the overall decisions among the organization based on the statute were valid under the applicable positive law in Indonesia.

On that occasion, Zainuddin also deplored the decision of the judges who did not consider the facts of the trial. He insisted that the whole indictments had been responded and it was strengthened by the witnesses and evidences submitted. 

Meanwhile, President of Justice and Prosperity Party (PKS) Sohibul Iman said that the party would do maximum efforts to fight against the verdicts of South Jakarta District Court, which won Fahri Hamzah in his lawsuit. "That's right, there has been a verdict. It was the first line verdict. There were still many legal efforts and we would endeavor as much as possible," he said, Wednesday (12/14).

Call for the legal hierarchy, Sohibul Iman said the party would still have some legal remedy such as appeal, cassation, reconsideration and so on.





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