Rabu 22 Feb 2017 08:18 WIB

LAPAN plans to build national observatory with the largest telescope in Southeast Asia

Rep: Yudha Manggala Putra, RR Laeny Sulistyawati/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda
The National Institute of Aeronautics and Space (LAPAN) planned to build national observatory in the Timau Mountains, Central Amfoang sub-district, Kupang, East Nusa Tenggara (NTT). Meanwhile, Bosscha observatory will still be operated as research and education observatory.
Foto: Republika/Edi Yusuf
The National Institute of Aeronautics and Space (LAPAN) planned to build national observatory in the Timau Mountains, Central Amfoang sub-district, Kupang, East Nusa Tenggara (NTT). Meanwhile, Bosscha observatory will still be operated as research and education observatory.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, KUPANG -- The National Institute of Aeronautics and Space (LAPAN) planned to build national observatory in the Timau Mountains, Central Amfoang sub-district, Kupang, East Nusa Tenggara (NTT). It will be the largest observatory in Southeast Asia and equipped with a telescope with mirror 3.8 meters in diameter. 

According to Head of Center for Space Science of LAPAN Clara Yono Yatini, one of consideration that made the government spent budget of Rp 500 billion for the construction of the observatory was to speed up development in the eastern region of Indonesia. "The presence of this Observatory will turn the world's eyes to Kupang District, so for NTT residents in this area should support the plan of this mega project," Clara said in socialization of the development plan of the observatory in Central Amfoang, on Monday (Feb 20).

Clara said the telescope will be build at the site of the National Observatory in the mountains Timau it has a length of 3.8 meters using technology from abroad who were able to see clearly the conditions of outer space. "While telescope that owned by LAPAN at the Observatory in Bosscha, Lembang, West Java, has a lens with diameter of 60 centimeters, the telescope to build in NTT has a mirror with diameter of 3.8 meters with enormous capabilities," Clara said.

According to Clara, this telescope would help and facilitate scientists from around the world searching for more information from the sky and space. "We need three years to complete the plan," Clara said.

Clara said one of the considerations LAPAN build a telescope with a mirror with diameter of 3.8 meters it will be an attraction for astronomers from different countries to do research on the space in Timau Mountains from all directions. "Especially sky in the Mountains Timau was very good as the main attraction for researchers to come to NTT to do research on space," Clara said.

Clara said the presence of researchers from various countries as the thrust for the Central Amfoang residents to build economic activity in this area to be more developed.


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