Kamis 23 Mar 2017 21:00 WIB

Online ‘ojek’ presence is irresistible: Jusuf Kalla

Rep: Sri Handayani/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda
Peace declaration between public transport vehicle drivers and online 'ojek' drivers at Bogor, West Java
Foto: Republika/Taufiq Alamsyah
Peace declaration between public transport vehicle drivers and online 'ojek' drivers at Bogor, West Java

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, BANGKOK – Vice President Jusuf Kalla said the presence of online-based public transportation was irresistible. The service was connected to the internet, so it could be accessed easier. It was more effective for the customers.

“This efficiency was irresistible. But how to make the competitiveness fair (do not kill each other),” said Kalla in Bangkok on Thursday (March 23).

Kalla said there should be improvement of technology and information to make people’s daily life more efficient. This also encouraged a shift in how people accessed public transportation.

A passanger choose to ride an online-based 'ojek' to get to his destination. The ojek driver was only one click away. Republika/Wihdan Hidayat

Nowadays the public transportation, in example ‘ojek’, utilized online system to gain customers’ order. Even the conventional ‘ojek’ joined the new system. “By the time the taxis would be online. So do not make it contrary. It is irresistible,” said him.

Also read: Regulation on mass transportation should ensure fairness for all parties

Previously, the conventional ‘ojek’ and taxi denied the presence of the online public transportation. But, by the time the tension was eased after more public transportation using online system to gain customers.

When there were metered taxis, the taxi which recently used tariff per hour protested them. But by the time, they shifted to the metered system.

Online-based ojek drivers parked their motor cycle while waiting for passanger's order in the side of Casablanca road, South Jakarta. Republika/Prayogi

The same transformation was also happened on the business of online taxis. The metered taxis protested them. But lately the company of metered taxi services cooperated to the online taxi providers. “Finally they joined it,” he said.

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