Kamis 30 Mar 2017 20:56 WIB

Newest update from the preparation of Sail Sabang 2017

Rep: Sri Handayani/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda
Pantai Iboih, Sabang, Pulau Weh, Aceh
Foto: ROL/Winda Destiana
Pantai Iboih, Sabang, Pulau Weh, Aceh

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA – The beauty of Sabang natural resources was never been a secret. The spread of white sands made anyone’s eye bear to stare it. It was no wonder that Sabang was chosen to be the host of ‘Sail Sabang 2017’. 

The Coordinating Minister of Maritime Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan led a meeting themed ‘Sabang as a Harbor of International Maritime Tourism’ on Wednesday (29/3). It was held to prepare Sail Sabang 2017. 

“This meeting discusses 3A (attraction, amenity, and accessibility) of human resources preparation, and the promoting strategy in succeeding Sail Sabang 2017.” said Luhut in a press conference in Jakarta on the same day. 

The Deputy of Destination and Industrial Development of Tourism Ministry Dadang Rizki Ratman said the promotion of Sail Sabang 2017 would use online and offline channels. “It would also be promoted through international yachter community in Langkawi, Phuket, Singapore, Australia, and Europe,” he said. 

Dadang said the local government had prepared 19 homestay with 96 room capacity for the yachters. It was not including the hotel rooms in Sabang. There were also floating lodges from Pelni. 

“For the accessibility, the flight from Sabang from Medan was added,” said him. 

Sail Sabang 2017 would be held in Sabang, Weh Island, Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam on November 28 to December 5, 2017. It was themed ‘Sabang to be the Gate of World’s Maritime Tourism Destination’. 

The event would be held in four locations, including Sabang Bay, Sabang Fair, Gapang Resort, and the Zero Point. There would be many traditional art presented during the events. There were also jamboree of science and technology, international freediving competition, Sabang underwater contest, Sabang carnival, seminar on maritime activities, and many others. 


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