Selasa 09 May 2017 17:52 WIB

Do not exaggerate yourself in responding Ahok's trial decision: Minister

Rep: Sri Handayani/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda
The mass pushed the fence of Cipinang Correction Institution while demanding Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (Ahok) to be released from prison. Ahok was convicted guilty in blasphemy case on Tuesday.
Foto: Republika/Rahma Sulistya
The mass pushed the fence of Cipinang Correction Institution while demanding Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (Ahok) to be released from prison. Ahok was convicted guilty in blasphemy case on Tuesday.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Minister of Religious Affairs Lukman Hakim Saifuddin asked all people to refrain in responding judges' decision related to Basuki Tjahaja Purnama or Ahok's case. The supporters from both parties were appealed to avoid any activity which might bring conflicts into societies.  

"Do not exagerate yourself in expressing happiness or sadness, so it might bring potencial conflict among the multicultural society," said Lukman to reporters in Jakarta on Tuesday (May 9). 

He reminded that the legal process had not have permanent legal binding, although North Jakarta District Court had named Ahok to guilty. Ahok and his legal team decided to appeal. 

Also read: Judges decide to detain Ahok over some considerations

"I heard that the decision is not inkracht. There is an appeal. That is why, this is not permanent," said Lukman.  

He added, although the legal process was inkracht, people was appealed to refrain. 

Earlier on Tuesday, panel of judges in North Jakarta District Court said Ahok was guilty for insulting an Alquran verse, al-Maidah verse 51. Judges gave two years of imprisonment to Ahok. 

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اَلَمْ تَرَ اِلَى الَّذِيْ حَاۤجَّ اِبْرٰهٖمَ فِيْ رَبِّهٖٓ اَنْ اٰتٰىهُ اللّٰهُ الْمُلْكَ ۘ اِذْ قَالَ اِبْرٰهٖمُ رَبِّيَ الَّذِيْ يُحْيٖ وَيُمِيْتُۙ قَالَ اَنَا۠ اُحْيٖ وَاُمِيْتُ ۗ قَالَ اِبْرٰهٖمُ فَاِنَّ اللّٰهَ يَأْتِيْ بِالشَّمْسِ مِنَ الْمَشْرِقِ فَأْتِ بِهَا مِنَ الْمَغْرِبِ فَبُهِتَ الَّذِيْ كَفَرَ ۗوَاللّٰهُ لَا يَهْدِى الْقَوْمَ الظّٰلِمِيْنَۚ
Tidakkah kamu memperhatikan orang yang mendebat Ibrahim mengenai Tuhannya, karena Allah telah memberinya kerajaan (kekuasaan). Ketika Ibrahim berkata, “Tuhanku ialah Yang menghidupkan dan mematikan,” dia berkata, “Aku pun dapat menghidupkan dan mematikan.” Ibrahim berkata, “Allah menerbitkan matahari dari timur, maka terbitkanlah ia dari barat.” Maka bingunglah orang yang kafir itu. Allah tidak memberi petunjuk kepada orang-orang zalim.

(QS. Al-Baqarah ayat 258)

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