Senin 31 Jul 2017 16:19 WIB

Cases against ulemas to be handled more humane: KH Ma'ruf

Rep: Taufiq Alamsyah Nanda/Fira Nursya'bani/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda
Jakarta Metro Police chief Ins. Gen. Idham Azis (right) together with Chairman of MUI KH Ma’ruf Amin speak to the reporters after meeting in Kiai Ma’ruf residence in Jakarta, Monday (Juy 31).
Foto: Republika/Darmawan
Jakarta Metro Police chief Ins. Gen. Idham Azis (right) together with Chairman of MUI KH Ma’ruf Amin speak to the reporters after meeting in Kiai Ma’ruf residence in Jakarta, Monday (Juy 31).

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - New Metro Jaya Police Chief Inspector General Idham Azis visited Chairman of Indonesian Council of Ulamas (MUI) KH. Ma'ruf Amin, on Monday. Idham Azis asked for guidance and pray in order to keep Jakarta condition to be more conducive.

After the meeting, Kiai Ma'ruf briefly talked about several case against some ulemas and Grand Imam of Islamic Defenders Front Habib Rizieq Shihab. Kiai Ma'ruf appreciated the commitment of regional police chief to carry out more humane investigation regarding the case.

"I think 'in-depth' treatment, can be interpreted in vary ways. He will do a very humane treatment, with soft approach," he said.

Also read: Police to proceed Habib Rizieq's cases: Tito Karnavian

He also advised that there should be no mass act if there is adequate channel to convey aspirations. "Mass act is normal, and I think if there is legal mechanism like the previous case, I do not think it's necessary," Kiai Ma'ruf added.

The elder of Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) also hoped, regional police can maintain conduciveness of DKI Jakarta. According to Kiai Ma'ruf, there are several things that should be noticed by the newly inaugurated Metro Jaya Police Chief.

He explained, there are issues concerning religious views, how one group could be tolerant and less tolerant of other groups. Kiai Ma'ruf also talked about commitment of nationalism.

Idham revealed that his visit to Kiai Ma'ruf showed a common relationship between father and son. "I ask for guidance and pray to him, whom I consider to be like my own parent," he said.

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