Kamis 05 Oct 2017 00:15 WIB

Ministers running for elections no need to resign: KPU

 Ketua KPU Arief Budiman memberikan paparan saat konferensi pers di Media Center KPU, Jakarta, Senin (2/10).
Foto: Republika/Wihdan Hidayat
Ketua KPU Arief Budiman memberikan paparan saat konferensi pers di Media Center KPU, Jakarta, Senin (2/10).

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Chairman of General Election Commission (KPU) Arief Budiman said minister who wanted to be a candidate for regional elections (Pilkada) do not have to resign. They have no obligation to quit from their position.

Arief explained officials only obligated to take a leave during campaign.

"There are no rules that require minister to resign when they become a candidate in Pilkada, while the law on Pilkada is only applied for other officials," Arief said at KPU office, Wednesday (October 4).

He said ministers are not included in the category of the rules which decanted in Law No.10/2016 on Pilkada. Whoever should resign already regulated and it does not need to be debated.

"The question of whether officials need to resign has determined, so if ministers want to become candidates in Pilkada is debated, it is up to their leader," Arief remarked.

However, as regulated by the law, he reminded state officials must take a leave during campaign. 

"But the regulation does not regulate the nomination of state officials for Pilkada," he added.

Social Minister Khofifah Indar Parawansa has ensured her determination to run as a candidate for East Java gubernatorial elections in 2018. 

Meanwhile, Minister of Cooperatives and Micro Small Medium Enterprises (UMKM) Anak Agung Gede Ngurah Puspayoga also planned to be a candidate in the upcoming Bali regional elections.

Earlier, Vice President Jusuf Kalla requested ministers who will run for the governorship to resign from the Working Cabinet soon.  

"They need to campaign, don't they? If they campaign, then they must quit from the Cabinet," he said after inspecting the renovation project at the Bung Karno Sports Stadium here on Tuesday (October 3).


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