Senin 19 Feb 2018 21:32 WIB

Special team to be deployed to E Java, W Java, Yogyakarta

National Police to deploy special team to help solving cases of assault to preacher.

Rep: Arif Satrio Nugroho, Puti Almas / Red: Reiny Dwinanda
National Police spokesman Setyo Wasisto
Foto: Republika/ Wihdan
National Police spokesman Setyo Wasisto

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- National Police has instructed regional polices to solve the cases of assault to religious leaders. In addition, National Police to provide technical support by sending special team from the headquarters to help regional polices to uncover the cases.

"Special team will be deployed to East Java, West Java and Yogyakarta. The cases of assault to religious figures and places of worship occured in those three provinces. "We are very serious in handling the cases," said National Police spokesman Setyo Wasisto on Monday (Feb 19).

The instruction was conveyed by National Police deputy chief Syafruddin during a video conference meeting with regional police heads on Monday. He said the measure was important since the incidents occured in a series.

In the less than a month, there were several attack cases against religious leader figures. Kiai Umar Basyri, the clerics at al Hidayah Islamic boarding school (pesantren) mosque in Cicalengka, Bandung, was the first fictim. He was attack on January 27.

Five days later, cleric Prawoto as commander of the Central Leaders Brigade of Islam (Persis) died in the hand of a neighbor who was suspected to suffered a psychiatric disorder. On Feb 3, a student at al Futuhat boarding shcool, Garut, West Java was attacked by six unknown people. There was also a man who is troubled with his psyches hiding on the at Tawakkal Mosque Bandung City brandishing a knife.

The latest case against religious leader figure happened to Kiai Hakam Mubarok, leader of the Muhammadiyah Karangasem Paciran boarding school, Lamongan, East Java. He d was attacked by a mentally ill man at al Manar Mosque ahead Zuhr prayer on Sunday (Feb 18).

National Police to give special attention to religious figures and worship places, especially in East Java, West Java, and Yogyakarta. Meanwhile, the approach to religious leaders will still be conducted.

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