Kamis 22 Feb 2018 20:48 WIB

KPK prosecutors ask judge to reject Fredrich's exception

KPK prosecutors says the exception has entered subject matter of the case.

Rep: Puti Almas/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda
Fredrich Yunadi, the defendant in the case of obstructing investigation against his former client Setya Novanto in e-ID card graft case.
Foto: Republika/Iman Firmansyah
Fredrich Yunadi, the defendant in the case of obstructing investigation against his former client Setya Novanto in e-ID card graft case.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) prosecutors asked Jakarta Corruption Crime judges panel to reject exception or objection filed by Fredrich Yunadi's lawyer team. Prosecutosr assessed the exception has entered subject matter of the case and it was outside of exception scope.

"Exception or objection filed by the defendant has entered the subject matter and outside exception scope, as referred in Article 156 paragraph (1) Criminal Prosedure Code (KUHAP), so it must be rejected," said KPK prosecutor, Ikhsan Fernandi on Thursday (Feb 22).

Ikhsan said the argumentation or reason for the accusation of the defendant number 77 to number 80 stating the a quo case is a public criminal case and not a criminal case, was also inappropriate. Therefore, he requested the examination based on indictment that has fulfilled the formal and material requirements must be continued.

The trial will be continued on Monday, March 5 to hear the interlocutory verdict.

Fredrich who was former House speaker Setya Novanto (Setnov)'s lawyer has been determined for obstructing investigation of his client, who is now the defendant in e-iD card graft case. Along with Bimanesh Sutarjo, an internist at Medika Permata Hijau hospital, he allegedly conspired to manipulate Setnov's medical record. They made arrangement for Setya to be hospitalized following a minor car accident in November 2017.

Fredrich also had set maneuvers to help Setnov missed KPK previous summonses. He assessed president's permission needed to summons his client. He also filed a judicial review to Constitutional Court.  

Fredrich alleged to violate Article 21 Law No. 31/1999 as amended by Law No. 20/2001 on Eradication Corruption, also in Article 55 paragraph (1) criminal code (KUHP). 

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