Senin 14 May 2018 17:33 WIB

DPR urges govt to agree on finalization of terrorism bill

DPR and govt have not reached agreement on definition of terrorism.

Red: Reiny Dwinanda
Indonesian House of Representatives' (DPR's) Speaker Bambang Soesatyo
Foto: DPR RI
Indonesian House of Representatives' (DPR's) Speaker Bambang Soesatyo

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Indonesian House of Representatives' (DPR's) Speaker Bambang Soesatyo has urged the government to reach an agreement to finalize the discussion of the Draft Law on Terrorism. The government has yet to agree on it.

"I urge the government to reach an agreement, so that the Bill on Terrorism will be passed soon," Bambang noted in Jakarta on Monday.

He explained that some 99 percent of the Parliament has agreed to the terrorism bill that is ready to be legalized before recess during the past trial.

However, the government has called to postpone it, as no agreement has been reached on the definition of terrorism.

"Once an agreement is reached on the definition of terrorism-related motives and objectives, the bill can be completed," he stated.

Also read: Govt to speed up revision of anti-terrorism law

Earlier, Chief of Police of Indonesia General Tito Karnavian had urged the DPR to immediately pass the Terrorism Bill following bomb explosions in three churches in Surabaya on Sunday (May 13) morning.

Soesatyo further explained that the Law on Terrorism held significance as the basis for the police to take action against terrorists since the police can notice the first suspect or the signs of terrorism.

He said according to the current Anti-Terrorism Act, the Anti-Terrorism Detachment 88 can act only if terror suspects are operating or in the presence of obvious evidence.

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